HOT SPOT opening

Events in September

Hello everyone! September is in it’s full bloom now and we are starting a new season at our HOT SPOT design center! We would like to share with you the latest update of events and workshops for this month.

- 10/09 (Sat) | 11:00-14:00 - epoxy resin workshop: deep sea. The cost is 35 euros.

- 17/09 (Sat) | 11:00-14:00 - workshop on abstract painting with alcohol ink. The cost is 35 euros.

- 17/09 (Sat) | 11:00-16:00 - workshop on silver jewellery using Silver Clay technology. The cost is 90 euros.

- 23/09 (Fri) | 19:00-21:00 - Sketching night art party. Entrance is 10 euros.

- 24/09 (Sat) | 11:00-20:00 - monthly fair Art & Food Market. Entrance is 1 euro.

All events will take place in our design center HOT SPOT at av. Diagonal 227, local 1.

For details check out our website:
Or call +34 674 966 446

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