DECEMBER 18th (Sat) | 19:00 - 23:00
- Christmas party at HOT SPOT
Pretty dresses, Christmas lights, river of cava and delicious food - how can you miss it? Especially for our guests, we have prepared a violin concert with candlelight, a photo zone with a professional photographer, as well as pleasant surprises, gifts and congratulations from Russian Santa Claus!
- 20 euros for one, 35 for a couple (registration before December 10th)
- 25 euros for one and 45 for a couple (registration after December 10th).
Hurry up and get your ticket at a bargain price on our website!
Mandatory registration, places are limited.
ADDRESS: av. Diagonal, 227, local 1, HOT SPOT Designers Club
More details from the organizers +34 674 966 446