HOT SPOT opening

Christmas party 18/12

The time to pour champagne into glasses and summarise the achievements of the year will come very soon! We decided to celebrate the end of 2021 as bright and joyful as possible, inviting all of you to our Christmas party at HOT SPOT on December the 18th!

DECEMBER 18th (Sat) | 19:00 - 23:00
- Christmas party at HOT SPOT

Pretty dresses, Christmas lights, river of cava and delicious food - how can you miss it? Especially for our guests, we have prepared a violin concert with candlelight, a photo zone with a professional photographer, as well as pleasant surprises, gifts and congratulations from Russian Santa Claus!

- 20 euros for one, 35 for a couple (registration before December 10th)
- 25 euros for one and 45 for a couple (registration after December 10th).

Hurry up and get your ticket at a bargain price on our website!

Mandatory registration, places are limited.

ADDRESS: av. Diagonal, 227, local 1, HOT SPOT Designers Club
More details from the organizers +34 674 966 446
2021-11-30 16:49